Hi Team, I have created a ML project using Kedro. ...
# questions
Hi Team, I have created a ML project using Kedro. I need some guidance for building CI/CD pipeline without Docker/Kubernetes. I am not getting proper documentation.
What do you want your CI/CD pipeline to do? Are you just looking to run linters and unit tests? Do you want to execute your pipeline in CI? Are you deploying your pipeline to a target in CD?
I want whenever there is change in code/data. it should run and update the model. once model is updated then it should automatically get deployed
What do you mean "a change in data"? Would it basically be a change in the catalog configuration? What I would normally suggest is you figure out how you're deploying your pipeline. There a number of resources around deployment in the Kedro docs: https://docs.kedro.org/en/stable/deployment/index.html Most production pipelines would be scheduled, depending on the deployment option. Then, your CD pipeline would do those deployment steps, triggered on PR merge. If you want something more simple--but most likely not recommended for production--you could consider not having a CD pipeline and running the pipeline in CI, using your CI machines. This will almost certainly not scale beyond sample data volumes, and you'd have to schedule CI runs in order to update results periodically. It's a pretty janky solution.
Thanks for reply...will figure out something