Hello, I have a question regarding running kedro p...
# questions
Hello, I have a question regarding running kedro pipelines in threads. I have a (working) bash script that runs several pipelines in parallel, it looks like this
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#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Run the pipelines in parallel.
for t in "$@"
    kedro run --pipeline my_pipeline --params my_param:"$t" &
    pids+=( "$!" )

# Wait for completion of the threads before exiting
for pid in "${pids[@]}"; do
  wait "$pid"; (( exit_status |= $? ))

exit "$exit_status"
I wanted more control (and I do not like writing bash at all), so I wanted to port this code to python. But when doing so, I encounter problems. I think the core of the problem is that the catalog is parametrized with
and they somehow get mixed up in the threads. Here is the python script
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import argparse
import concurrent.futures
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from kedro.framework.session import KedroSession
from kedro.framework.startup import bootstrap_project

logger = getLogger("uc16_pipelines")

def run_pipeline(t: int) -> None:
        with KedroSession.create(extra_params={"my_param": t}) as session:
        return 0
    except Exception as e:
        return 1

def batch(ts: list[int]) -> dict[int, int]:
    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=10, thread_name_prefix="thread_id"
    ) as executor:
        results = executor.map(run_pipeline, ts)
    return dict(zip(ts, results))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("ts", type=int, nargs="+")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    statuses = batch(args.ts)
    failures = {t: status for t, status in statuses.items() if status > 0}
    successes = {t: status for t, status in statuses.items() if status == 0}
    if successes:
            f"The ts {list(successes.keys())!r} were successfully updated"
    if failures:
        logger.error(f"The ts {list(failures.keys())!r}'s update failed")
        raise SystemExit(1)
    raise SystemExit(0)
When I ran with the locals in the traceback, I can see that the catalog does not have the correct value:
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HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: http://<url>/app/api/v1/t/6/ 

    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

    ╭────────────────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ──────────────────────────────────────────╮
    │ /home/coder/uc16-pipelines/run_pipelines_parallel.py:18 in run_pipeline                                             │
    │                                                                                                                       │
    │   16 │   try:                                                                                                         │
    │   17 │   │   with KedroSession.create(extra_params={"my_param": t}) as session:                                       │
    │ ❱ 18 │   │   │   session.run("my_pipeline")                                                                │
    │   19 │   │   return 0                                                                                                 │
    │   20 │   except Exception as e:                                                                                       │
    │   21 │   │   logger.exception(e)                                                                                      │
    │                                                                                                                       │
    │ ╭───────────────────────────────────────────────────── locals ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
    │ │          e = DatasetError('Failed to fetch data', HTTPError('404 Client Error: Not Found for url:                 │ │
    │ │              <url>/app/api/v1/t/6/'))                                                                             │ │
    │ │    session = <kedro.framework.session.session.KedroSession object at 0x7ff757743e80>                              │ │
    │ │ my_param   = 123                                                                                                  │ │
    │ ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
Notice the discrepancy between the value in
from the locals and the url that is printed. Here is the corresponding entry in the catalog
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  type: api.APIDataset
  url: <url>/app/api/v1/t/${runtime_params:my_param,0}/
  method: GET
Another thing, if I set
to 1, then it works as expected, but I do not run anything in parallel anymore
So my question, is it expected that the catalog would be "shared" somehow between threads?
That’s an interesting question - @Merel / @datajoely maybe you can chip in here?
So without delving too deep into python concurrency - I don’t actually think your bash approach is too bad, you perhaps just need a more expressive orchestrator than the shell
I changed
and it seems to work. My mental model for the difference between those is not good, so I am not sure if this is exactly what I want...