Looks like <https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro-viz...
# plugins-integrations
Looks like https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro-viz/pull/1355 has made it impossible to embed kedro-viz in an iframe. That's a shame. That really should have been left as an option to the user, imho.
Are you currently using iframe to embed viz? Where are you embedding viz in? (sorry I am not familar with frontend technology, just asking for more context)
For example, a Streamlit app (but really any kind of iframe)
Looks like it's a recent change, so should be able to just downgrade
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There are some discussion integrating streamlit with kedro viz. I have no knowledge of this but I will flag this Cc @Nero Okwa
could potentially imagine something like an
(Also wondering if there is any relation to https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro-viz/issues/1627 and its related issues)
cc @Rashida Kanchwala
I know the security headers were a requirement for demo.kedro.org but I reckon it shouldn't be added to local kedro-viz instances. Let me create a ticket and see how we can come around it. Thanks for raising this @Andrew Stewart
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@Ravi Kumar Pilla FYI.