Is it possible to programmatically call kedro plug...
# questions
Is it possible to programmatically call kedro plugins, like
kedro viz
Can you explains more what do you need?
You can always do subprocess run. For each plugins it will be different, viz comes with a Jupyter magic %run_viz that you can call from a notebook
I don't want to go through subprocess. I just want to call kedro viz the same way that the CLI
kedro viz
is (not from jupyter either).
Let's say just from a regular python script
viz itself is an application, if you are launching it as the same way as the CLI, I think it will block the program?
The Jupyter magic has the recipes to get around this
From an application point of view, it’s also weird to have a python program launching another application, could you explains more what are you trying to do?
Right, that would be weird πŸ˜„ but I'm just trying to programmatically trigger the startup of the server, not run it from another application.
πŸ‘πŸΌ 1
could you explains more what are you trying to do?
@Nok Lam Chan tbh I'm not trying to create anything specific, I'm more just trying to figure out to what extent kedro-viz can be incorporated into various "outer layers". I'm using Streamlit as such an "outer layer", but could apply to others. Another thought here btw is to use the
react component to create a Streamlit component ( )
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Interesting! Let us know how does it go
My frontend knowledge is not very good - particularly react etc, so I might have some questions on how to use the kedro-viz react component
I think I can basically follow this tutorial here:
πŸ‘πŸΌ 1
Thanks for the question @Andrew Stewart. What are you trying to do with your Kedro-Viz/Streamlit workflow that you can't currently do with just Kedro-Viz?