Hi guys, My Poetry venvs have been failing to buil...
# questions
Hi guys, My Poetry venvs have been failing to build all morning. Looks like some dependency issues. They did however work fine on Friday. After some trial and error, I found that removing Kedro-viz from my toml file and rebuilding the venv seems to have fixed it. Have you had any other similar issues reported lately?
I’m not familiar with Poetry, is there a lock file you can post so we can see where the conflicts are?
I can pipe a verbose installation log file into the chat. Give me a few mins 🙂
Apologies for the delay. Assuming I have a working venv, if I then try to install kedro-viz (
poetry add kedro-viz
) you can see on line 17569 where the issues are occurring when it tries to install
which version of Kedro and Kedro Viz?
Here are my versions of kedro and kedro-datasets. I can't install kedro-viz, however
poetry add kedro-viz
looks for the most recent compatible version, which we can see from the txt file I sent over
Kedro-Datasets requires very old versions of s3fs, if you're using a dataset that requires it: https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro-plugins/blob/kedro-datasets-1.8.0/kedro-datasets/setup.py#L9 By chance, are you using something like
extra? (Not 100% saying that's the root cause of the issue, but I do see it trying a wide range of
versions, including those outside the tight Kedro-Datasets bounds.)
Also Kedro Viz just introduced it
@Tynan sharable URLs may have caused some conflicts
Ah, right, and even the bottom end of that range requires CalVered s3fs: https://github.com/fsspec/s3fs/blob/2021.04.0/requirements.txt#L2
There's already an issue to track this: https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/1995 As well as a couple attempts from @Matthias Roels and myself, but it hasn't been entirely trivial, and so not yet done. In the meantime, may need to revert to an older Viz.
Great, I'll keep an eye on this issue for updates. Thanks for the good work guys! thankyou