<@U05BDSLPJ72> finally gave the steps in <https://...
# user-research
@Marc Gris finally gave the steps in https://kedro-org.slack.com/archives/C03R8N2M8KT/p1699265578467299?thread_ts=1698932258.475319&cid=C03R8N2M8KT and I'd like to start a new thread by asking: how do you do
kedro new
if you haven't installed Kedro yet? 🙃 cc @Lukas Innig
Have kedro installed in my base python
Kedro new has a low risk of version conflicts, right? So even if my base python kedro is a different version from the one in requirements.txt I can go ahead
what's your base python @Lukas Innig? a global venv,
, your system Python, something else?
I use pyenv on mac.
So a
pyenv global some_version
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No further envs
But, sorry for spamming, while this works really well for me locally, it's a different story with clients. Their python setup can look all sorts of weird interesting. So I have done venv first, then install kedro, then kedro new, then pip install requirements. Which is a bit confusing for python newbies
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So I have done venv first, then install kedro, then kedro new, then pip install requirements. Which is a bit confusing for python newbies
This I have always agreed with
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Hé hé… Good point ! @Juan Luis So… I actually do have a “global kedro” (installed with
) and a “local kedro” for the project (for the plugins / extensions like
etc…) Convoluted, I reckon 😅
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I don’t know much about
but they may be a useful pattern to include in our template
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thanks both 🙏🏼 your setup is in line with what I expected
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Devcontainers are the best!