An idea that has been in the back of my mind is to...
# plugins-integrations
An idea that has been in the back of my mind is to reduce documentation effort: a confluence documentation plugin. A Kedro project could be a one-stop-shop for a developer, but it is inaccessible to others. There is a need to have automatically-generated documentation. A lot of organizations use Confluence, which provides information to a variety of different organizational members. If we could find a way to (1) do all of our detailed documentation (EDA decisions included) in Kedro, and then (2) have an easy migration tool to Confluence that would be pretty awesome. For example, we are putting all of our SQL queries and references to data files in the Kedro catalog anyway, so generating the data sources to a confluence page should be automatable. This type of documentation can provide other members of an organization information about where exactly the information came from, providing automatic data lineage for stakeholders. Have not read deep enough into the API to know the feasibility of getting triggered updates to the Confluence page when a plugin "confluence-generate" type of command is run. Just throwing it out there as something that would be DRY (don't repeat yourself) and satisfy a SSOT (single source of truth) principle for the current config of the project. Update one thing and the other thing updates. Anyway, just musing out loud. • Confluence module — Atlassian Python API 3.41.2 documentation (atlassian-python-api.readthedocs.ioPublish Python Project Documentation on Confluence/HTML using Sphinx | by Shravankumar Hiregoudar | Towards Data Science
It will be pretty handy if it can be integrate to Confluence. Does Confluence allow buiding static site or you need to use their API to update it programatically?
@Nok Lam Chan Not sure. Still learning about the API.
Just wanted to shout the idea into the internet before I forget the idea 😅 But it would actually be highly valuable for many organizations if the Confluence documentation was a consistent and automatically updated account of the state of a project.
That make sense, I have something similar for kedro-viz which update the static site automatically on push (Github Page)
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This is what I use (if I need to integrate with Confluence) ☝️
Didn’t know that Quarto have Confluence integration 👍🏼 would be a choice. I use their Jupyter Notebook integration for blogging (GH Page).
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It would be quite neat to keep your EDA in notebook and publish to Confluence
yes, that's precisely what I do - along with any other docs/presentations related to a project, the below
repo, from our starter(s), is reflected in the static site or confluence pages:
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