Did anyone get <ParralelFormers> to work with kedr...
# questions
Did anyone get ParralelFormers to work with kedro? The reason im asking is because they recommend to run the transformer parralelisation in the main process (basically by they that: running code inside the context of
if __name__ == '__main__'
solves a lot of problems. So if you run have some problems about processes, try writing your code inside the context of it.). And indeed I ran into issues when running parralelformers on AWS batch on a p3.16xlarge instance with 8 gpus, so its running in kedro on a docker container.
I don’t know about this specifically - but if you are using Kedro’s
as well it may interfere
No i was using
and finding it causes the issues that were mentioned
Okay - I’d like to understand this more
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from transformers import TrainingArguments
    import torch

    # get the number of gpus
    num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count()
    if num_gpus > 1:
        from parallelformers import parallelize

        parallelize(model, num_gpus=num_gpus, fp16=True, verbose="detail")
inside of a kedro node gives
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RuntimeError: Timed out initializing process group in store based barrier on rank: 7, for key: store_based_barrier_key:1 (world_size=8, worker_count=9, timeout=0:30:00) WARNING No nodes ran. Repeat the previous runner.py:213 command to attempt a new run. [10/15/23 12:57:26] ERROR Node 'sort_using_baal: node.py:356 func[redacted]) -> [redacted]' failed with error: Timed out initializing process group in store based barrier on rank: 7, for key: store_based_barrier_key:1 (world_size=8, worker_count=9, timeout=0:30:00)
## Environment python 3.10.1 parralelformers latest os: ubuntu
ugh, that looks really ugly. @Hugo Evers we'd love to have a look at this but it might be difficult without a reproducer. would you mind opening a GitHub issue? and the smaller the project is, the better