Hi All, I'm brand new to Kedro and having issues w...
# questions
Hi All, I'm brand new to Kedro and having issues with kedro-viz while going through the spaceflights tutorial. I'm currently following the instructions here on adding experiment tracking: https://docs.kedro.org/en/stable/experiment_tracking/index.html. I added the code as specified & can see the metrics created in data/09_tracking/ but they don't appear in the GUI when I run 'kedro viz'. Any input on how to fix this/what I'm doing wrong? I'm seeing a warning indicating that 'JSONDataSet'/'MetricsDataSet' have been deprecated & renamed to 'JSONDataset'/'MetricDataset' and wondering if that's related?
👀 1
Hi Anastasia, I am able to generate the tracking data. Can you please confirm the versions of kedro, kedro-viz and kedro-datasets ? Thank you
Yep: kedro-datasets==1.7.1 kedro-viz==6.6.0 kedro==0.18.13
thankyou 1
Currently Kedro Viz supports kedro-datasets till 1.7.0. We will be working on supporting kedro-datasets 1.7.1 and above in coming sprints. Please follow the issue here. I would request you to please bump down the version of kedro datasets to 1.7. Thank you
Thank you!