Hi team! Which visualization libraries allow to in...
# plugins-integrations
Hi team! Which visualization libraries allow to input parameters and run a kedro pipeline from the very interface? I was able to do it using
, but I could not do so with
... Do you know how to do that or if there are any other libraries to do so? Thank you!
Wait a second, @Joseph Perkins and @Huong Li Nguyen, could you help here?
hi @Antonio Perell贸 Moragues - thanks for the great question! this is a fundamental piece of functionality which will soon be available out-of-the box by default via Vizro, as part of seamless integration between Kedro and Vizro. (This will include functionality to pass parameter values from the front-end to Kedro, then trigger the Kedro pipeline run remotely, and load the results back into the front-end - in an iterative loop if required). The release date is not confirmed yet, but development is under way, and it will be announced here as soon as it's available via the Vizro interface 馃榿
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