Hello! Working on a Hacktoberfest issue: <Tutorial...
# questions
Hello! Working on a Hacktoberfest issue: Tutorial data: Sanitise the spaceflights data to remove real countries and replace with fictional locations. I have a newbie question: So I inspected the 3 CSV files in the `spaceflights` tutorial, namely: > • companies.csv contains data about space travel companies, such as their location, fleet count and rating > • reviews.csv is a set of reviews from customers for categories, such as comfort and price > • shuttles.xlsx is a set of attributes for spacecraft across the fleet, such as their engine type and passenger capacity These files can be found here in the `kedro-starters` repo. I want to make a PR to explain the methodology I used, along with the new, sanitized files. However the Hacktoberfest Official issue makes me think the PRs for the open issues should be aimed at the
repo? Seems like I should be PRing to the
repo and referencing the issue in the PR somehow :)
hi @Guillermo Germade! there's two parts of this: yes, the files should be changed in the
repo. on top of that, possibly the documentation pages (that live in
) might need to get updated as well. so instead of opening 2 issues, we opened only one. does that clarify things?
👍 1
thanks! Yes that makes sense, although I'm not sure if it will be necessary to update the docs. I'll go through them trying to find any references that would require an update then!
👍🏼 1
klk Guille ❤️
frog wow scroll 1
🫶 1
welcome 🙂
🦾 1
@Iñigo Hidalgo frog wow scroll nice to see you here mate 👨‍💻
IE powa 😄
🎉 2