Hey everyone! I'm trying to add kedro to my stack ...
# questions
Hey everyone! I'm trying to add kedro to my stack but have a dependency problem with antlr4-pytho3-runtime, which is required to be 4.9.3 and it is incompatible with many DS forecasting packages, that require it to be >=4.11, is it possible somehow to relax this requirement to install kedro?
I am pretty sure Kedro doesn't have this pin, it may comes from secondary dependencies. Which forecasting libraries does it conflicts with?
And which version of kedro are you installing?
Thanks for fast reply! I have problems with kedro 18.13, which require omegaconf 2.3.0, which require antlr4-pytho3-runtime 4.9.3. I got compatibility problems with statsforecast
also new version of pandas require more recent version of antlr4-pytho3-runtime
FYI I just check the dependencies come from OmegaConf
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I'll grateful for help. Just wanted to get my hands on kedro for new forecasting project which uses statsforecast functionality
hi @Роман Белый, we're aware of the issue, see discussion in https://github.com/omry/omegaconf/pull/1114 I'm a big fan of the Nixtla folks and I hope this gets sorted out soon. for now there's not much we can do
Thank's for pointing this info. Is there any estimate for this fix?
this is an external dependency and there's no final decision on how they want to fix it, unfortunately
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Hope, it solves soon...
Hey, @Juan Luis! Is there any update on the issue? I see that commit is still opened, but all checks are green.
hey @Роман Белый! yeah I see that PR is near merging, we're all waiting. in the meantime, you can try to do
Copy code
pip install "omegaconf @ git+<https://github.com/jlopezpena/omegaconf.git@antlr411>"
but you'll need Java and other things to compile OmegaConf from source
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@Juan Luis Thanks for hint! Should I compile it first and than install kedro on top? Or other way?
I think kedro first and then omegaconf - or maybe you can install both in one step
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For those searching the keywords statsforecast and omegaconf, you can install the 2.4.0.dev1 version:
pip install omegaconf==2.4.0.dev1
I tried installing omegaconf and after that statsforecast and no errors were shown.
thanks @Siavash Sakhavi! they're dragging their feet a bit with that PR... hope we can see a released fix soon
we also have to wait for the your team to release Kedro with the new OmegaConf version. Hopefully that can be expedited.
that will be quick, as soon as the OmegaConf release happens 🤞🏼
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