Is there a way to make a pipeline collapsible in v...
# questions
Is there a way to make a pipeline collapsible in viz without adding a namespace? I have some pipelines which have grown too much and I am trying to organize them by logical slices and I want to make those slices collapsible in kedro-viz to attain more of a high-level view. I would like to avoid having to go into my catalog and prepending
to every dataset.
For pipelines that are not namespace pipeline, you can also use the dropdown view to select particular pipelines.
it's a single pipeline for which I am trying to make subpipelines collapsible the way namespace ones are :)
I can just do the namespace thing and do the renaming, but was wondering if there was a similar behavior supported with a different parameter inside of the Pipeline constructor class
Well, namespace is the best way if you want to have open/collapse pipelines on Kedro-viz. Otherwise, you could use tags but that would basically hide and show nodes based on the tag associated with it.
Thanks @Rashida Kanchwala 🙂 I will go with namespace then 👍
also try autoreload mode when adding namespaces
I live in
hahahaha @datajoely
So clutch
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maybe some points here are "can we use namespaces in Kedro without namespacing datasets?" and/or "can Kedro Viz use something else to group pipelines (like subdirectories)?"
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Yup - namesapces are powerful but cumbersome / verbose to refactor
and you have to change them in python and yaml
@Juan Luis agree on your assessment, but also idk about the potential value vs effort. for me it would just be a nice-to-have but not necessarily life-changing. though maybe when communicating to different audiences it would be nice to collapse the "nitty-gritty" to only focus on different flows (@Yetunde, related to something you asked me some weeks back)
casually found this on the Dagster issue tracker people find the Kedro Viz approach valuable for large pipelines
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