Hello team, I have a modular pipeline which I want...
# questions
Hello team, I have a modular pipeline which I want to run for n number of times. n is not constant and the value can fluctuate. I then need outputs of all of these runs as a list. This list is an input to one of the node of another modular pipeline . Any idea how can I proceed: What I have so far: I am running a loop n times and bundling the pipelines together.
full_pipe = sum([pipeline_1 + pipeline_2 + ...  ])
Problem with this is: • how do I add dynamic catalog entries for the outputs of each of these runs? • How do I aggregate all the outputs so that it can be passed as the input to another modular pipeline. What is the best way to approach this ? Thank You!
• how do I add dynamic catalog entries for the outputs of each of these runs? Use dataset factories - https://docs.kedro.org/en/stable/data/kedro_dataset_factories.html • How do I aggregate all the outputs so that it can be passed as the input to another modular pipeline. If you know
, then it should not be a problem - just create next pipeline with a node with
inputs and map them from your modular outputs.
@marrrcin I won't know N , it will be different for every run. Any workaround for the aggregation part?
Also this factory dataset is supported only after 0.18.12, Is there an alternative from 0.18.6 version?
Alternative is to upgrade 😄 How do you plan to set