Hi everyone!, I'm rather new exploring Kedro, and...
# questions
Hi everyone!, I'm rather new exploring Kedro, and I would appreciate the help on a (probably silly) problem I'm facing. It is an error I'm getting when working with KedroSession. I am trying to run the following code, which works fine until
, without the part below it.
with KedroSession.create(env="databricks") as session:
Copy code
context = session.load_context()
    catalog = context.catalog
    my_dataset =catalog.load("x_train@pandas")
Yet when I try to access the elements inside the catalog through
I get the error:
DataSetError: Data for MemoryDataSet has not been saved yet
I am not sure what is the best way to access the in memory elements that were part of the run, and I presume there must be a way, so any help here would be very helpful! Thanks in advance for your help community :)
I am not sure what is the best way to access the in memory elements that were part of the run, and I presume there must be a way, so any help here would be very helpful!
There is no way. `MemoryDataset`s are not persisted anywhere; if you want to access them later, use a physical dataset.
I like to think of `MemoryDataset`s more like variables; assigning to an intermediate variable can help make your code more readable, and you can even have multiple code branches use the variable, but you can't go back and check your variable after your code ran.
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Thanks @Deepyaman Datta for the clarification.