I am curious what intended usage pattern is for ta...
# questions
I am curious what intended usage pattern is for taking advantage of the conversion of jupyter notebook to a node to actually using that node in a pipeline? It seems like when you run the conversion (ie: kedro jupyer convert command) the python file is placed at the "src/[project name]/nodes/[name of notebook].py" location but it looks like the default setup for organizing nodes for a pipeline seems to be to put nodes in location like "src/pipelines/[pipeline name]/nodes.py". Is there a use case where you would have a node file in the actual "nodes" directory?
FWIW this functionality is deprecated, and currently slated for removal in 0.19.0. See a recent thread: https://kedro-org.slack.com/archives/C03RKP2LW64/p1694461774909279
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