Hey all, I am try to return HTTPexception from my...
# questions
Hey all, I am try to return HTTPexception from my nodes in kedro, exception is imported from FastApi. But i recieve this error
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DatasetError: Failed while saving data to data set MemoryDataset().
HTTPException.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'status_code'
This is the code From FastApi import HTTPException
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if df.shape[0]==0:
            return HTTPException(detail='Sufficient Data not available',status_code=404)
Do I have to create a custom data set?
I’m not so sure this is a Kedro issue, but IO is normally done via datasets yes
Seems a lot of work, i should return a string instead and let the outer function outside kedro scope handle it
I guess the question I have
what are you trying to do?
I am trying to run the kedro pipeline on an existing FastAPI code. I am using kedrosession to do that. So if during pipeline data does not exist I need to show the error in fast api response