Hi everyone, I’m running into some error that “sur...
# questions
Hi everyone, I’m running into some error that “surprise” me: Trailing whitespaces in the
ParserError: Invalid YAML or JSON file /workspaces/dodo-kedro/conf/base/data_processing.yml, unable to read line 161, position
I don’t recall this being the case ? Has it always been so ? Or could this be something introduced in 0.18.13 ? Thx in advance, Regards, M
so we’re just bubbling up the error from PyYAML parser
it does give you the token index, you were able to resolve right?
took me quite a while actually… 😅 I may recall this incorrectly, but the line & position were actually not where the problem (i.e trailing whitespace) was. (felt like a sql error “near …” )
But as I said… I never paid any attention to not having trailing whitespace, and therefore am pretty sure I had plenty… So, I guess it’s a pyyaml change may be ?
remember whitespace may also be bad characters that are invisible like
which one sometimes gets from copy and pasting
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last PyYAML release is from a couple of months ago 🤔 so definitely not something that has changed recently
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it used to be a lot worse before this went in https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/pull/1419/files
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I configure my IDE to remove trailing whitespaces on save, it is really useful
this 2
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Thanks everyone for the comments / suggestions 🙂 Cheers ! M