Hi all! do you think it will worth the time to dev...
# questions
Hi all! do you think it will worth the time to develop this? I want to see the code/confs of a datasource that is not a table/image. Thanks a lot! The image is a mock-up
thanks. can you give an example of where this code/conf is defined in your Kedro project?
for example see the SQL code of the query
👍🏼 1
not the resulting table
ok got it
Copy code
  type: pandas.SQLQueryDataSet
  sql: "select shuttle, shuttle_id from spaceflights.shuttles;"
  credentials: db_credentials
something like above right. Can I ask you raise a github request for this feature on kedro-viz. thanks 🙂
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I was thinking just the SQL, but yeah... the more the merrier 😛
yes, i think only the SQL 🙂 -- type we are already sharing, and credentials we don't need to 😄
Thanks a lot 🙂
Would jump to vs code work for your purposes?
👍🏼 1
nowadays I'm more into the reviewing changes of the project, than developing, what I like about kedro viz is that allows me to have the big picture very fast. yes, at some point I would go to vscode
Would jump to vs code work for your purposes?
what is this magic you speak of??
@Iñigo Hidalgo so a hack I realised recently, if you are in a github initialised repository you can basically generate a
link so you jump to the right place: https://github.dev/inigohidalgo/kedro-ibis-dataset/blob/main/src/kedro_ibis_dataset/kedro_ibis_dataset.py
Ah, our repos are on Azure DevOps sadly 😞 interesting for my own personal stuff though, thanks!!