hey all, we have the following use case regarding...
# questions
hey all, we have the following use case regardings configs. We want to do the following: `conf/base`:
Copy code
  type: pandas.CSVDataSet
  someconfhere: ....

  type: ${_pandas.type}
  filepath: data/01_raw/companies.csv
Copy code
  type: pandas.CSVDataSet
  stagingConfHere: ....
We wanna define the generic catalog in the base and other related ones in the following confs. However this doesn't work at the moment, we have the to define the whole
thing again. I believe it's due to this logic here: https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/blob/main/kedro/config/omegaconf_config.py#L297 When we load the base catalog, we resolve the values and then we read the next env and resolve it again. Our example above only works if resolving is done last. I am not sure if it was a design choice or not. I thought about overwriting some functions but load_and_merge is a big one and i'd have to overwrite the
as well but that can done easily i think. Thanks in advance!
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Hi, I am facing the same issue and I think this is arguably a bug (it changes the current behaviour of ``(Templated)ConfigLoader`` and does not seems to be done on purpose). If someone if the teams see this, is there a workaround for this ?
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Hi Fazil and Yolan, I believe this is the intended behaviour for
. We don’t necessarily allow for variable interpolation across environments.
We are working on “globals” feature currently which might help in this case. Essentially, you would have variables in
which would be loaded and resolved first (duplicate keys in staging would overwrite base in globals) . And then you could inject this into your catalog like -
Copy code
  type: "${globals:_pandas.type}"
  filepath: data/01_raw/companies.csv
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There is another one in the works which would allow you to override interpolation keys through the CLI
Thanks Ankita, the globals feature would exactly solve this case I believe. I find that syntax a bit more clear, I see it's already in PR. Do we expect to get this out in the next release? I can get by for 1-2 weeks as is if we'll have that soon 🙂
We are aiming for a release sometime next week, I’ll keep you posted.
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thankyou 3
A workaround for now could be a custom
with overridden
where the resolution for variable happens outside the
method. I can help if you’d like.
Yes, that's was i was gonna do but since this release is coming soon, i can wait till then 🙂 thanks so much!
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but your PR seems easier than overriding, couple of functions and it works? Who knew 😄
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Thank you @Ankita Katiyar for the explanation. I don't really the rationale to prevent cross environnement interpolation, but I am quite happy with the globals solution. I also had the same solution of overriding ``OmegaConfigLoader`` in mind but I'll wait for the release too ;) Thank you very much!