Hi all, I’m trying to implement a CLI hook (`befor...
# questions
Hi all, I’m trying to implement a CLI hook (
) but it never seems to execute no matter what kind of CLI command I try (
kedro run
kedro info
kedro ipython
, etc). I’ve looked at examples in the docs, kedro-telemetry, and plugins from the community but can’t figure it out. Does anyone know what I'm missing or have an example they could share? added to
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entry_points={"kedro.cli_hooks": ["test_plugin = plugin:cli_hooks"]},
`plugin.py`(currently at the same level as
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import logging
from typing import List
from kedro.framework.cli.hooks import cli_hook_impl
from kedro.framework.startup import ProjectMetadata

logger = logging.getLogger(name)

class ProjectCLIHooks:
  def before_command_run(
    project_metadata: ProjectMetadata, 
    command_args: List[str],
      "Command %s will be run for project %s", command_args, project_metadata

cli_hooks = ProjectCLIHooks()
so have you
pip install -e
the plug-in?
If I rmb even if you do pip install -e, if you register a new entrypoint you have to install it again.
What are you trying to do with
So I don't actually have a full plugin written, I was hoping to use it the same way as regular project hooks & just register a single hook by including a
file. Seems like I'm thinking about this incorrectly?
My goal with
was to parse the runtime arguments and add them to a globals.py file for the config loader to pick up during context creation. (I saw in the code that
adds runtime args to the parameters key automatically, but I need them in the catalog key).
Ah okay I think there is an easier way to achieve that than writing a full plug-in You can actually introduce your own
that will override the run command https://docs.kedro.org/en/0.18.12/development/commands_reference.html#customise-or-override-project-specific-kedro-commands
then I think you can use the
argument to make this accessible to the configloader/catalog
You can just do this and this moves what you pass to params via CLI. I found it be very simple
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That’s beautiful @Fazil B. Topal should include this in the docs!
The omega conf stuff is new, how are you finding it?
@datajoely I think you tag the wrong person : p
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btw @Fazil B. Topal nice creative use of resolver!
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Thank you all so much for the responses!!
Yeah the omegaconf approach is super elegant
@Fazil B. Topal would you mind showing us what a sample CLI command looks like?
sure, this is the command i run
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kedro run --env test --params=countryCode='cz',executionDate='2023-08-13'
I use this in my config files:
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Once omegaconf is tries to load them, it parses using what i sent. screenshot is how i use this in the python testing 🙂
This is honestly a work of art
thankyou 2
super nice
@Fazil B. Topal Registering custom resolvers through
is also a feature we’ve merged already and will be out in the next release! (https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/2622) and docs for it - https://docs.kedro.org/en/latest/configuration/advanced_configuration.html#how-to-use-resolvers-in-the-omegaconfigloader
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yes, i am waiting for the next release to just pass them in settings directly 🙂
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hey @Ankita Katiyar Im using the latest globals from master and i noticed a one subtle error/bug in the code. If i define a globals value and set it to 0 code complains because of the if checks. Also by design i can't pass default as null/None which i think is a limitation. Is it possible to fix these cases? 😄 Example global conf:
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maxLookBackDays: 0  --> Doesnt work
maxLookBackDays: 1  --> It works
👀 2
Thanks @Fazil B. Topal! Let me fix it before the release 😄
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If we can get a null/None support that would also be nice as i wanted to pass null as default in some cases but it wasn't possible 😄
https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/blob/main/kedro/config/omegaconf_config.py#L335 this line needs to change for default null support and https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/blob/main/kedro/config/omegaconf_config.py#L334C26-L334C26 for the 0 support but im sure you already know what needs to be done 🙂
I applied this and it works for 0 and uses default as null
Cc @Fazil B. Topal https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/commit/dfee6436737fe8f4e907dbd9d45ca9a56441296e , we end up going with this approach. 0.18.13 Release is coming either today or tomorrow.
🥳 1
ah, thanks for notifying! Will try to migrate to latest version when it's out thankyou
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