Hello, I am new to kedro so I was doing the spacef...
# questions
Hello, I am new to kedro so I was doing the spaceflights tutorial. When I try to use kedro viz, a tab in my browser opens up but it's just a white screen, everything is missing. I tried saving the pipeline to a .json file and it isn't empty, so I don't know what is causing this display issue. I'd be grateful for any help. Thanks!
Hi Violeta! Can you check the terminal where you did the
kedro viz
? Share with us the traceback and we may find the problem there 🙂
Hi Jose, thanks for the answer! In the image is the terminal after I ran 'kedro run', as you can see after that I ran 'kedro viz'. Then the browser opened up. I waited in case it was just loading, but nothing happened. I've tried running it again. There is no error traceback, so it seems to be working as intended, except my browser won't display it. I've tried changing browsers. I will also take the opportunity to share the .json file produced by running 'kedro viz --save-file=pipeline.json' in case it helps. It doesn't seem to be empty.
could this be a case of https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro-viz/issues/1277#issuecomment-1466668095 ? although “a white screen” looks like a different problem, could you show your browser tab and refresh it after it opens just in case?
are there any console errors in the browser?
I tried reloading many times and waiting for a whole five minutes, here is a photo of what I see. I also tried opening from chrome and firefox. As for the console, there are errors! I don't know what to make of them though.
do you have any browser extensions enabled that would prevent scripts from loading? i've never seen this happen before. and in fact just ran the spaceflights tutorial yesterday and started Kedro-Viz without any issue
I have an adblock on firefox but I don't have one on chrome. I've got no other extensions. I tried running kedro viz with admin privileges, nothing changed. I'll try to redo the tutorial very carefully and see if that changes anything. Thanks for all the help so far
you're welcome. let us know :)
I just deleted conda and all it's stuff, reinstalled python without that, and then I tried using kedro viz with panda-iris now. Still got the same problem. I also tried with the spaceflights project. I have noticed something weird, though. Whenever I use kedro viz and then close the browser tab and recover my console, the ports aren't getting closed properly. Every time I open kedro viz, two more lines with the port 4141 are created. (an image shows the command and the header of the table, and another shows all the ports created by kedro viz. Those were not there before). The ports are always in the TIME_WAIT state, is that normal? And is it normal that they don't seem to close after I close the tab and recover my console?
The kedro viz won’t be killed unless you stop-it/close the console where you did the kedro viz. Can you try a new kedro viz and assign it to a new port? for instance
kedro viz --port=4242
got the same result, sadly
😰 1