Hi all, does anyone know what happened to Tam Nguy...
# plugins-integrations
Hi all, does anyone know what happened to Tam Nguyen and the state of kedro-wings? It hasn't been updated in a while and I don't see a way to contact the author on GitHub. Does anybody use Wings? or given it isn't being actively developed, its not a good idea to start using it? In particular, we're supposed to add some code to the class "ProjectContext" which in his tutorials was located in "run.py" but that file no longer exists. Cheers and thanks!
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I don't think Tam maintains any of his plugins anymore, and he's not really active in the Kedro community. While a lot of it was useful in the past, I'd take some caution in using it out of the box now, as most of his stuff is from his time using Kedro/a few years old. If you really want to contact him, you could always try LinkedIn?
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ok, thanks kindly. I'm just trying to learn what I can from the available tutorials on YouTube an his are always coming up so I was trying to go through them...but they are 3 years old at this point. It would be awesome if someone else could do something similar as Tam and create updated simple tutorials on various aspects of kedro πŸ™‚ Thanks again
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You can check


, if you haven't already; I haven't watched it, but it's only a year old, so it'll translate better. That being said, Kedro is going to continue to evolve, and videos would need to be constantly refreshed. The documentation, on the other hand, is going to always be (more-or-less) up-to-date, so I'd personally recommend that. Perhaps @Juan Luis or @Yetunde have some idea on future video content from the team; I feel like I may have heard something, but I'm like 30% sure.
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thanks very much @Deepyaman Datta for taking the time to respond.
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In general, to extend kedro you would look into hooks now.
there’s even a newer version in our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kedro-python stay tuned, there will be new videos there in the coming months πŸ₯
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