Hi everyone, Is there some setting that could allo...
# questions
Hi everyone, Is there some setting that could allow for
kedro jupyter notebook
to open notebooks directly in the IDE (vscode in my case) instead of in a browser ? Thx M.
You can just run these lines in a VS Code notebook
Copy code
%load_ext kedro.ipython
%reload_kedro <project_root>
Oh… Excellent ! Thx Joel 🙏 If it’s not already the case (in which case sorry for having missed it 😉 ) , it might be worth adding to in the documentation. Regards M
it’s in there 🙂
🤦‍♂️ 1
but we’d love to make this easier in VS Code world
👍 1
cc @Juan Luis
thanks for bringing this up @Marc Gris! it's indeed there https://docs.kedro.org/en/stable/notebooks_and_ipython/kedro_and_notebooks.html#managed-services but in a very bad place: IPython, Jupyter, "managed services" - none of that mentions VSCode
in fact I almost never use
kedro jupyter notebook
and prefer to do
%load_ext kedro.ipython
directly, feels more explicit to me and I do not depend on how I launched the editor
👍🏼 I’ve missed it indeed… 😅 But I must say that, for the newcomer, “Managed Service” did not catch my eyes… Terms such as “IDE” or “non-browser based” would probably have done the trick 🙂
exactly - I just opened an issue about it https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/2777
👍 2
👍🏼 1
Great thx 🙏🏼