Hi Everyone, I was experimenting with `@singledi...
# questions
Hi Everyone, I was experimenting with
from the
library to refactor my code and create “per-model type” implementations of
…). Unfortunately, this results in a
ValueError: Invalid Node definition: first argument must be a function, not 'singledispatchmethod'.
And indeed in kedro/pipeline/node.py:72
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if not callable(func):
            raise ValueError(
                    f"first argument must be a function, not '{type(func).__name__}'."
Is this “rejection” of functools.singledispatchmethod a “un-intended collateral” of the test (in which case I could make a pull request to handle it) or are there some things “down the line” that would justify not allow the use of functools & co ? 🙂 Thx
hi @Marc Gris, I tried the example from the docs and methods decorated with
are indeed callable:
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In [3]: class Negator:
   ...:     @singledispatchmethod
   ...:     def neg(self, arg):
   ...:         raise NotImplementedError("Cannot negate a")
   ...:     @neg.register
   ...:     def _(self, arg: int):
   ...:         return -arg
   ...:     @neg.register
   ...:     def _(self, arg: bool):
   ...:         return not arg

In [4]: n = Negator()

In [5]: n.neg(10)
Out[5]: -10

In [6]: n.neg
Out[6]: <function __main__.Negator.neg(self, arg)>

In [7]: callable(n.neg)
Out[7]: True
can you share a snippet of your code to see what's going wrong?
Hi @Juan Luis Thx for your swift reply & check. Actually… You’re totally right and I messed up 😅 I used
to decorate a function instead of a method… With
everyone does work perfectly. Mea Culpa 🙏 Since I cannot delete feel free to delete my message, please feel free to do so and declutter the thread 🙂 Thx again M.
@Marc Gris I’d love to learn more about this pattern and how it works for multiple model types! How is it working for you?
no worries @Marc Gris! a little bit of rubber ducking in the morning is always good rubberduck
😁 1
rubberduck 1
Hi @datajoely 🙂 I’m afraid I can’t be of much help since I’m still experimenting / playing around. But basically, and as you may already know
allows to do pattern matching and have different implementations of the decorated function for different input types (for the 1st arg). The idea for me was to avoid a messy / gigantic function body with many conditional branches like:
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def train(model,**kwargs): 
    if isinstance(model, SuperModel):
    elif isinstance(model, MegaModel):
    elif ... 
    elif ... 
         raise NotImplementedError
So far, I was avoiding this by using dictionaries mapping from model name or types to specific functions, with things like:
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TRAINERS = {SuperModel: train_super_model, 
            MegaModel: train_mega_model} 

def train(model, **kwargs):
        _train = TRAINERS[type(model)]
    except KeyError:
         raise NotImplementedError
    return _train(model, **kwargs)
I could have stuck to the above, but I’m assuming that
exists “for many other good reasons which I’m not perceiving yet” and am therefore testing it out with things like:
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def train(model, **kwargs):
    raise NotImplementedError 

def _(model: SuperModel, **kwargs):
    # some beautiful code here ;-)
Since all of this is still completely experimental, please allow to return the question: How do you handle different models from different libraries with different inputs & methods in a single pipeline ? 🙂 Thx in advance (and for your youtube tutorial as well 😉 ) M.
💡 4
Personally I use the method you've been using until now of having a mapping of functions to types, it's clear and simple enough and I like making things explicit. Admittedly I'd never heard of singledispatch before today.
👍 1