Hey y'all, I've been working on a kedro dataset t...
# plugins-integrations
Hey y'all, I've been working on a kedro dataset to enable loading data from SQL tables using Ibis. This allows for filtering tables using python code without needing to load the entire table like
would do. The dataset implementation is here, and I wrote a tiny example pipeline here. I would appreciate any feedback you could give, as an issue on the project or a response through here :)
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Huge shoutout to the Ibis creators if any of them are in this channel, it's been such a great discovery ( and thanks @datajoely for the heads up about it!)
I love this - @Iñigo Hidalgo, @Jo Stichbury blog post and maybe whole section of the docs?
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This is awesome contribution : ) 🔥
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I'm looking forward to testing this @Iñigo Hidalgo! 🔥 for future readers, more context in this thread https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/2374
From the thread:
> I think the more solid path forward would be to say "all things SQL in Kedro go through Ibis" and make it a "first level" optional dependency. No need to add more levels of indirection I'd say. To confidently commit to that plan, I propose we put this initial dataset in the hands of users and play around with it a bit more.
@Juan Luis
Would definitely be cautious about that, if other users are like us they probably have a lot of written SQL queries I don’t think they’d want to migrate to Ibis directly 😅 Though promoting it as a more robust and flexible alternative would probably do the job
Underneath the SQLTable dataset could be refactored to use Ibis too though. The SQLQuery one though might prove more difficult
good point. yeah maybe we could keep SQLQueryDataSet as a escape hatch, but then favor the Ibis approach as much as possible
This looks really cool ! Will definitely look into & use Thx 👍
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hello! I'm working on Ibis, just a quick comment on this:
Would definitely be cautious about that, if other users are like us they probably have a lot of written SQL queries I don’t think they’d want to migrate to Ibis directly
we agree! Ibis has a `.sql()` method on tables to act as an escape hatch and enable going back and forth between Ibis and SQL easy (with a complementary
method). it also accepts a SQL dialect and uses sqlglot under the hood
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this is great to know, thanks @Cody Peterson for chiming in! welcome to the Kedro Slack 🙌🏼K
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