Hi team, I am trying to save a plotly image to htm...
# questions
Hi team, I am trying to save a plotly image to html for reporting purpose. Is there a way where we can save a plotly image as an html plot in kedro catalog? I tried using the following class .
Copy code
type: kedro.extras.datasets.pandas.HTMLDataSet
On using the above class I am getting this error :
Copy code
kedro.io.core.DataSetError: An exception occurred when parsing config for DataSet 'boxplot_figures_cfa':
Class 'kedro.extras.datasets.pandas.HTMLDataSet' not found or one of its dependencies has not been installed.
Does this class even exist?
The plotly dataset saves as JSON which you can work with directly, you can create a custom dataset if you want a native way of writing HTML pages
👍 1
Or export to HTML (return string from the node) and use TextDataSet
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