Hi team, we are encountering a package dependencie...
# questions
Hi team, we are encountering a package dependencies conflict between kedro and kedro-starter for
and would love to get help from the team. Under the same release 0.18.7 for both kedro and kedro-starter with python 3.8, kedro provides
(https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/blob/main/test_requirements.txt#L22) while kedro-starter’s pyspark restrict
ipython>=7.31.1, <8.0
(https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro-starters/blob/main/pyspark/%7B%7B%20cookiecutter.repo_name%20%7D%7D/src/requirements.txt#L3) Would really appreciate any help on this! Thank you in advance!
hi @Season Yang, thanks for reporting! I'm thinking of a workaround, but looks tricky. I'll open an issue about that specific case
Yes, we have a workaround for now but wanted to raise it so we can come back once this issue is resolved
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@Season Yang I am not sure what’s the issue here. Did you hit any specific error, if so can you share what’s the step to hit that error? Kedro does not depend on IPython , what you are looking at is the
so kedro shouldn’t complain anything about IPython version. Once you have created the starter, you are free to change the dependencies as the project evolves. The CI is running properly, so I don’t expect any thing will fail if you do
kedro new -s pyspark-iris
pip install -r src/requirements.txt
kedro run
@Juan Luis On the other hand, I think we should bump stater’s IPython to ~=8.10 following
, as this is due to a security patch https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/pull/2314 Thoughts? I can go ahead to create a ticket for this if there is no disagreement. Cc: @Merel
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yes, that's the issue I wanted to open, thanks @Nok Lam Chan! more generally, any reason to put an upper cap on IPython? do we expect breakage of any sort?
Nothing I can recall, it is just test_requirements so I think it’s ok to keep it open-bound, if it breaks then we add the cap. So change would be
ipython >= 8.10
? The latest version is 8.12 so practically it doesn’t make any difference at the moment.
yes, I think unless there's a good reason for it, we should avoid putting an upper cap there. this applies more broadly to our dependencies but let's start with that, IMO
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Thanks all! We have CI check that will ensure all requirements are working upon building and running. The actual error of package conflict comes the kedro-starter’s
versions and multiple other external packages we are using in the CI as
ipython>=7.31.1, <8.0
is relatively outdated. In the meantime i also look into the kedro requirements and noticed this discrepancy hence wanted to raise this error and hope we can bump the
in the starter
Thank you for getting back 😊 this is my expectation as well. We will address this issue .
Thank you!