Question on parameter namespacing. Say I have the ...
# questions
Question on parameter namespacing. Say I have the following: In my registry:
Copy code
return {"__default__": pipeline(Pipeline([node(foo, "params:value", None)]), namespace="bar")}
In my parameters yaml:
Copy code
value: 1
I’ll get an error that says
Pipeline inputs(s) {'params:bar.value'} not found in the DataCatalog
when I kick off a
kedro run
Rather than define a
(and so on for each namespace) is there a way to use defaults as a fallback and only use
if it appears in my parameters? I know I could do
pipeline(…, parameters={"params:value": "params:value"})
but that would always use the default value. Rather than only use it when its defined.
I think a hook may be the right way to do this, there is an argument that this should be native behaviour too
Got it! Thanks Joel I think I agree with the argument hehe