Hi! Pandas just released the <2.0.0>, which looks ...
# questions
Hi! Pandas just released the 2.0.0, which looks quite promising. Do you know if/when Kedro will support this version? Could this be included in the next 0.19 release?
🥳 3
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Since kedro-datasets have been split into a separate package we shouldn’t need to do a new release of kedro for this to be supported.
Great, thanks!
if you want you can also install it manually, it will still work we just take a conservative approach for external deps
Yup, we have internal packages that depend on Kedro, and poetry won't let us specify pandas 2.0.0 if Kedro limits it to below 2. With kedro datasets, it should be ok though
👍 2
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I guess the good thing is that, even for
, pretty much everything is an "extra` dependency, so even if
caps you can just skip the extra and manually specify the dependency (whereas, if something is a non-extra dependency of the package, you're stuck unless you create a temporary fork or something).