Hi all, question on the kedro-azureml plugin. Runn...
# plugins-integrations
Hi all, question on the kedro-azureml plugin. Running into an issue where the plugin is trying to write logs to a log file within the repo and getting a permission denied error. Has anyone come across this or know a way to resolve this?
Hi @Manali Kadam, this is probably not a plugin issue but something on Kedro side.
Any chance that you are using the file-base logging in your project? You can check your
and see if you have something like this. If this is the case, you need to remove the file handler, since some system are read-only
Copy code
handlers: [console, info_file_handler, error_file_handler]
Yes, I do have this step. Will try to remove and see if that works. Thanks!
Cool 🙂 Please let me know if it fixes the problem, I am pretty sure it will!
As a side note, we are aware of this issue and working on improve this for deployment. https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/2206
@Manali Kadam could you update us on this?
Hey, sorry for the late update. The issue actually was not related to kedro. We had a package (neuralprophet) which was writing log files to the project root folder during runtime. But the azure job would not have permission to do that which is why it was failing. We got around it by removing the step which creates logs. The permission error seems related to this issue they are tracking
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