hello, I'm trying see if the following functionali...
# questions
hello, I'm trying see if the following functionality exists for versioned datasets: 1. list all available versions of the catalog item 2. limit the number of versions created of this dataset, ie - limit is 10, clean up the oldest 11th version when I save a newer version
On the first point, not exactly, but it's not difficult to do by accessing the dataset object's internals: https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/blame/0.18.7/kedro/io/core.py#L537 (hasn't changed in years) Related to the second point: https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/issues/406
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You can deffo do this in hooks too
im looking at hooks but it doesn't seem easily done? I'm trying to load the last version of my dataset to compare with the new dataframe, and then clean up old versions based on a limit. seems like a custom dataset implementation is the path forward
in the hook you can get the
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and introspect from there
but custom dataset should work too
i ended up implementing hook for after node run. thanks for all the help
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If you don't mind, feel free to throw your hook implementation on that issue above; it is something that comes up every now and then, so I'm sure it would be appreciated!
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done, thank you!
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