Hi everybody, i'm not new to kedro, but i'm new to...
# questions
Hi everybody, i'm not new to kedro, but i'm new to using kedro, pyspark and databricks at the same time. The logs appear after all the jobs have been completed, is it there a way to see the logs as they occur? I think is more a databricks question Thanks in advance!
First of all, you can use the Ipython extension in notebook which is the preferred way of running Kedro project on managed Jupyter instance https://kedro.readthedocs.io/en/stable/notebooks_and_ipython/kedro_and_notebooks.html
There should be log output for every nodes? Or this is not the case
hello @Nok Lam Chan I followed the steps on https://docs.kedro.org/en/stable/deployment/databricks.html the logs appear after the whole excecution is completed. i'm running the same project right now. no logs so far
I just test it and I couldn’t reproduce it
hi @Nok Lam Chan, in the meantime I took databricks out of the equation, ran the project directly on spark, in different configurations, and I got the logs as the project was executing, so... it's not kedro nor spark. Now I think it's something on how my company configured databricks. Thanks for taking your time on my obscure problem 🙂
👍🏼 1
You are welcome! free feel to report any issues u have.